Fryeburg Business Association

Interlocking business & community in Fryeburg, Maine!

Educational Opportunities

Everything you need
to start your own business!

Quick Start Business Workshop Series:
Quick Start is a series of six workshops for anyone who is thinking of starting a new business or has recently started a business. They are designed to provide all of the essential information for starting your own business.
The workshop series will cover the following information:

  • Overview of materials and discussion of what it takes to start a business
  • Business Planning and cash flow management
  • Marketing information, branding and the need for marketing materials
  • Legal Information, such as business entities and liabilities
  • Financial information, record keeping, tax obligations and business banking
  • Ask an Industry Professional: a resource panel for government programs and financing

Registration: The cost to attend all six workshops is $35 and $10 for one workshop.

Two Convenient Locations!

South Paris

  • Community Concepts, 17 Market Square, S. Paris
    • Wednesday evenings starting September 16, 6-8 p.m.


  • Community Concepts, 240 Bates Street, Lewiston
    • Thursday evenings starting September 17, 6-8 p.m.

The Quick Start Workshop Series is brought to you by Community Concepts Finance Corporation.

Quick Start Business Workshop Flyer fall 2015