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Heart and Hammer Homes » Directory

Heart and Hammer Homes

Contact: Hannah Guilford
Work 600 Main Street Fryeburg ME 04037 Work Phone: 2072563201 Cell Phone: 2078905399 Website: Website


Photo of Heart and Hammer Homes

Cody and Hannah Guilford are partners at home and at work. Cody is an experienced and talented builder and contractor, who is fabulous at taking Hannah’s designs and ideas and making them come to life. Hannah is an experienced and creative designer and contractor and the point of contact for our clientele, and together we are making our clients’ dream homes a reality. From design to finish, we are excited to be able to help you with all of your kitchen and bathroom remodeling needs. We will be offering kitchen and bath cabinets, stone, flooring, hardware and more in addition to our remodeling and contracting services out of our new location, 600 Main Street in Fryeburg.